Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Use it or lose it

Use it or Lose it

Maths games that you could try over the holidays 

Homework Term 4 Week 9

     What's your Opinion?

                              Serco running Mt Eden Prison

On the 30th of May Prisoner Evans was admitted to Whangarei HospitalOn the 18th of June he died. Prisoner Evans was apparently dropped of a balcony at Serco run Mt Eden Prison before he was meant to be transferred to Northland jail. There was a video put up on youtube about so called fight clubs. Serco doesn't officially leave the prison until 2017 but corrections have been running the prison since the death. 

My Opinion

My opinion on this is that overseas company's shouldn't run our prison's because of what happened to Prisoner Evans. The worst thing of all is that Serco guards knew what was happening and didn't do anything about it, that was the allegation.

My Mum's Opinion

My mum's opinion on this is that prisons shouldn't be privately run because she thinks that prisons are a state responsibility.  

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Homework Week 4

Advertising and being a critical consumer

Image result for coca cola advertising

Coca- Cola Ad
What are they selling
Coca- Cola
What are they not telling/showing you?
They are not showing what effects coca cola has on your body
What are they doing to make you buy or use it?
The brand advertises by saying ‘Open happiness
How effective are they at selling it?
The brand Coca- Cola is selling their products very well. But it is also one of the major drinks or foods that can make you obese
Is what they are advertising truthful?
Definitely not
How would you improve it?
We could improve this advert by saying what it taste like and maybe include some ingredients.

Image result for mcdonalds advertising new rangeMcdonalds Ad
What are they selling
The new Mcdonald’s tasty chicken range
What are they not telling/showing you?
What the burger really looks like and what it has in the burgers
What are they doing to make you buy or use it?
The brand is making the burgers look nice so that people will go and buy them.
How effective are they at selling it?
Very effective, lots of people have gone and got one of these burgers because of the ad and what it looks like
Is what they are advertising truthful?Yes
How would you improve it?
We could improve this ad by adding what the burgers really look like.
Image result for factorie ad
What are they selling
What are they not telling/showing you?
How much the top costs
What are they doing to make you buy or use it?
The brand is saying that if you buy a pair of pants that you get a top half price but sometime these sorts of ads can be misleading.
How effective are they at selling it?
This ad is very effective because people will go into Factorie and buy some pants and a top and get half price, when they don’t even need the clothes.  
Is what they are advertising truthful?
The advertising is truthful but it can also be misleading
How would you improve it?
By including some of the prices of the clothes so people know what they’re getting into.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Story 2- The Bates Motel

I looked out the old dusty window,. It was a lovely summers day. Just like it normally is, dark, gloomy and grey. I looked out, pressing my face against the glass. The freezing cold glass gave me chills right down my spine. Out of the corner of my eye I see something, but I can’t make out what it is. I suddenly realize what I saw through the glass was…. It was an old, broken down car, The door to the car was left wide open and the bonnet was up. “ I wonder what that old car is doing here”,I thought to myself. A person must have left the car here. But why? I walked down the stairs, to the lounge and kitchen. I started to make myself breakfast and a hot cocoa with marshmallows. I had just finished making myself the hot cocoa when I heard the slamming of a door. I ran to the front door and to my bewilderment, it was wide open just like that strange broken car. I heard the howls of a dog. BANG! The dogs howl disappeared like as abruptly as the car’s engine. My heart stopped and chills went down my spine. The trees swayed in the wind. What had just happened?

I ran outside and there to my amazement was a dog. It was covered in blood, the dog’s blood. There was puddles of deep red crimson fresh blood everywhere. I knew that the dog hadn’t been dead for very long. But there was no sign of a person. The car was still there. I followed the footsteps, footsteps of blood. The blood was the dog’s, that poor dog. As I turned the corner I see to my astonishment the back door wide open. I darted back inside, puffing as I went up the stairs, reaching the top, I noticed something. Something wasn’t right. Someone had been into my room. But why, why would someone go into my room. I hurry into my room. Blood splattered up the walls. All over the ground was blood. Blood, blood and more blood…….

Friday, August 7, 2015

Story Time

Story Time- I looked out my bedroom window and I saw a Wooba

Drip, Drop, Drip, Drop, As I look outside of my bedroom window, I see a weird looking creature, it looked a bit like a dog, but as soon I get a better look at the strange looking creature I knew that, that couldn't be true. The creature was just sitting there. I move quickly to the other side of my room so that I can get a better look. I look straight at the creature and it looked straight back at me. The creature looked at me with a strange look. The look, looked a bit like a death stare. I get even closer, it was a death stare. He stared at me with stone cold eyes. I looked even closer. The strange creature was bright yellow, his eyes were dark grey and they were giving me the chills from the top of my spine to the back of my leg. But I still didn't know what the strange creature was. I closed my curtains and grabbed my rain jacket. I open the front door and sprinted outside but to my surprise the abnormal creature was gone. I went back inside and rushed to the back door and opened it. I went outside but there was still no sign of the weird abnormal creature. I went back inside and took off my coat. I went back into my room and opened the curtains and to my astonishment there was the strange abnormal creature. I get my phone out and take a picture of the creature and send a text to my friends saying if anyone knew what the creature was. To my astonishment one of my friends reply saying that the creature is a Wooba. But what on earth is a Wooba.

The End!

Friday, July 31, 2015

A Universe of Questions

Pluto:If it is no longer a planet, then what is it?

What is Pluto?

Pluto was discovered on February 18,1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. Pluto is considered the ninth and most distant from the sun, it is now known as a dwarf planet. Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, a ring of bodies beyond Neptune. It was the first Kuiper belt object to be discovered. Pluto has 5 moons, Charon, Hydra, Nix, Styx and Kerberos.

What is a Dwarf Planet?

A dwarf planet is a celestial body that orbits the sun. It has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape. It has also not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit and it is not a moon. The main distinction between a dwarf planet and a planet is that planets have cleared the path around the sun while dwarf planets tend to orbit in zones of similar objects that can cross their path around the sun, such as the asteroid and Kuiper Belts. Dwarf planets also are generally smaller than the planet Mercury. 

The first five recognized dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea. Scientists believe there may be dozens or even more than 100 dwarf planets awaiting discovery.

Why is Pluto no longer considered to be a Planet?

The reason why Pluto is no longer considered a Planet is because it only follows 2 of the 3 rules of being a planet. Which is rather stupid in my opinion. But that's my opinion. 
The rules are as follows:
  • A planet must be round.
  • A planet must orbit the sun
  • A planet must have cleared the neighborhood or it's orbit. This means as a planet travels , its gravity sweeps and clears the space around it of other objects. Some of the objects may crash into the planet, others may become moons.

Fun Facts about Pluto:

    Image result for pluto
  • Pluto is the size of the moon
  • It takes approximately 248 Earth years for Pluto to make one trip around the sun. Since astronomers discovered Pluto in 1930, it has not completed one trip around the sun. It still has more than 150 Earth years to go.
  • Pluto is so far away that it takes more than five hours for light from the sun to reach it. The suns light takes just 8 minutes to get to Earth.
  • Pluto is smaller than Earth's Moon.

Friday, July 24, 2015

StoryTime- Imagination

    As I walked towards the house, it got scarier and scarier. I was so tired, I just wanted to go to sleep. But, first I had to explore this old scary run down house. It used to belong to my Great Great Grandfather and now it belongs to my Aunt and Uncle. But sadly my Uncle passed away. That's why I came, to see if my Aunt was ok since the accident. But she is crazy, I can't believe that she still lives here. Like I said before it is old, scary and completely broken. The windows had shattered  and the glass was all scattered around the front of the house. I walked closer to get a better look. I opened the old beaten door, it creaked as I walked inside. the door slammed behind me. " Aunt Elise" I called, no reply. I walked further into the house. "Aunt Elise" I called, still no reply. The floorboards creaked as I walked. I was getting the chills. There was a long dark hallway to my left which I suspect was the way up to the upper level and the attic. To my right was the kitchen, dining room and lounge. I walked towards the lounge, when I heard something, the sound of someone talking. I went round the corner and said "Aunt Elise, are you there it's you sister's daughter Michelle" but, there was no reply. I walked further round the corner and to my surprise it was just the T.V. But then I thought Aunt Elise never leaves the T.V running unless she was watching the T.V, There was something suspicious. I walked towards the mantelpiece, there was a old picture it looked like it was an old family photo of my parents,my aunts and uncles and my grandparents. Beside the old photo, there was an old computer. I opened the lid and the computer started up a video. It looked like a youngish women probably about 35 years old. The lady started to talk " Hello Michelle, do you remember me", " No, who are you and how do you know my name" I replied, " I am your dear Aunt Elise, now next to the computer you will find a key, this key opens the front door to the house, I would suggest that you take this key and get out of this house before I kill you" and the video was gone. I closed the lid and thought about what she had said, what if there was no key I would just wait here and die.Suddenly I heard a creak of the stairs. Aunt Elise must be coming down the stairs. I thought quickly, I grabbed the key and ran for a cupboard. I saw Aunt Elise's shadow coming towards the mantelpiece, she was holding a dagger by her side. I heard her whisper " Very clever Michelle". She passed the cupboard, that I was hiding in. She walked up towards the bathroom. I had my chance I opened the door to the cupboard and ran, I didn't stop. I got to the door got the key. The lock was really rusty and old, I stuck the key into the lock and turned the key. Thank God! The door opened and I ran............. I got to the edge of the old woods and then  I heard Aunt Elise scream. It pierced through the air like a bullet. I grabbed my phone and dialled 111. The police and the ambulance got there and they arrested Aunt Elise. Just before Aunt Elise got in the police car she said something " You will pay for this Michelle you will and she was gone. The police came and told me that I did the right thing. The ambulance also came to check on me, they said that I had a deep cut on my leg and arm they also said that I would have to go to hospital to get fixed up.

                                          The End!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, June 19, 2015

Homework Week 10

Homework Week 10

My favourite book is called Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief .It is about a boy called Percy Jackson and he thinks that he is just an ordinary boy until he and his friend Grover go to a Museum and a monster tries to kill Percy. Then Percy, Grover and Percy's Mum have to run away but then something captures Percy's Mum. Grover and Percy get to Camp Half Blood and Percy blacks out. He finds out that his father is Poseidon, God of the Sea.  Twelve year old Percy is on the most dangerous quest of his life. With help with his new best friends Grover the satyr and daughter of Athena, Annabeth. Percy must travel across the United States to catch the thief that stole the weapon of mass destruction- Zeus master bolt. But along the way he comes face to face with lots of enemies that are trying to stop him. He also comes face to face with his father that he has never known.

 I enjoyed this book because it has a good story line and it is really cool. I like it because its got lots of action and I like action. I think you should read this book because it is really good

Link to Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief-http://www.rickriordan.com/books/percy-jacksons-world/percy-jackson-and-the-olympians/the-lightning-thief

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pay it Forward

For Homework as Pay it Forward I made Pancakes, cream and maple syrup for my next door neighbors as a surprise for all of the nice things they have done for me and my family. So I  thought I would something nice for them. They really enjoy, especially my next door neighbor Gary (he loves pancakes). I thought that I did really well and my next door neighbors really appreciate.

Monday, May 25, 2015

My own Spoken word poetry

Beaten, battered, bruised. Mistreated, misled, misused. Rejected, neglected, stop letting people do all of things to you. If you do you won't get bullied, hurt or keep on suffering. Don't let people have the satisfaction of watching you suffer. The best revenge is moving on and getting over it.......... Don't give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.

Recover from the recovery. Agony, misery, torture. These are all things that come from violence. Stop letting people get to you and make you feel these things. Don't let people make you feel sad and helpless.

Violence is not ok! People think that violence is the answer, but it isn't. It doesn't solve any of your problems, it just hurts people. It is a mere distraction from what has actually happened. Violence is not ok! People think that it is justice but it just isn't. Violence will never win the likes of people that understand what it feels like to be that person that is getting bullied. Let me ask one question. “How would you feel if you were that little kid or teenager that was being kicked or punched?” If you don't care I guess  you just can't be changed, but try to think about the question. There is a possibility that people that use violence could be getting it from social networking such as Facebook. Judge Nigel Gilmour, from Liverpool Crown Court, once said that it is remarkable when people are communicating on Facebook that they say things that they wouldn't say face to face, but that is your fact of the day. Now let's get on with it. But that fact is true. Lots of people use violence as a tool to unleash their anger but others use it to hurt others in a forceful manner.

Violence is not guidance to the answer.
It isn't allowance to hurt people.
Violence is a difference.
Violence is an ambulance.
It is a circumference.
Violence is a nuisance.
Violence is a non existence.
Violence is a sentence which can hurt you.

My mum once told me that violence isn't the way around life or isn't the answer. Violence is not ok!

Violence is an accident about to happen.
Violence is not amusement, it is discouragement.
It is a element.
It is embarrassment.
Violence is a harassment.
Violence is a misplacement.
It is a punishment.
It is a tournament.
It is unemployment.
It is an urgent ambulance.

Pope Francis quoted, “Even today we raise our hand against our brother.... We have perfected our weapons, our conscience has fallen asleep and we have sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves as if it were normal we continue to sow destruction, pain and death. Violence and war lead only to death. Mahatma Gandhi once said "I object to violence because when it appears  to do good the good is only temporary the evil it does is permanent. Another person said "A person is born with feelings of envy and hate. If he gives way to them, they will lead him to violence, crime and any sense of loyalty and good faith will be abandoned". All of these people believe that violence isn't the way around life. It isn't ok and isn't the answer.

Violence is a never ending rollercoaster. Violence is like a exercise. Violence is a big scary bear. Violence is a rapid torrent. Violence is a stab in the back. Violence is not victory. It is a vocabulary.

Domestic, physical, sexual and social are all types of violence. There are real people suffering while we are ignoring it but you can never judge a man by his testimony. Domestic Violence is real and it's out there.......

" One individual can begin a movement that turns the tide of history. Martin Luther King in civil rights movement, Mahatma Gandhi in India, Nelson Mandela in South Africa are examples of people standing up with courage and non violence to bring about needed changes", these people have all been involved in something special to help those who need help. To help them not feel weak, sad and help them not suffer.

Nigel Gilmour, Mahatma Gandhi and lots of other people believe in the same things that I do, that violence is not ok!. So stand up for what is right. Stand up for of those people that are getting bullied by violence. Do the right thing and stand up against violence.

Violence is not OK!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Pastel Bomb

This is my pastel bomb that I made last Friday

I hope you like it

Monday, May 11, 2015

Spoken Word Poetry

This is my video for spoken word poetry
I like this video because it is inspiring and I can relate to it well.
I chose this video because it makes me feel grateful for who I am and my personality,  to not chuck away your life because you don't like it . This video is about people not knowing who they are and he also questions God about why he made him which I find interesting. This video is easy to understand which is what a great poem needs. This poem is also very inspiring.
I hope you enjoy :)