Monday, May 25, 2015

My own Spoken word poetry

Beaten, battered, bruised. Mistreated, misled, misused. Rejected, neglected, stop letting people do all of things to you. If you do you won't get bullied, hurt or keep on suffering. Don't let people have the satisfaction of watching you suffer. The best revenge is moving on and getting over it.......... Don't give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.

Recover from the recovery. Agony, misery, torture. These are all things that come from violence. Stop letting people get to you and make you feel these things. Don't let people make you feel sad and helpless.

Violence is not ok! People think that violence is the answer, but it isn't. It doesn't solve any of your problems, it just hurts people. It is a mere distraction from what has actually happened. Violence is not ok! People think that it is justice but it just isn't. Violence will never win the likes of people that understand what it feels like to be that person that is getting bullied. Let me ask one question. “How would you feel if you were that little kid or teenager that was being kicked or punched?” If you don't care I guess  you just can't be changed, but try to think about the question. There is a possibility that people that use violence could be getting it from social networking such as Facebook. Judge Nigel Gilmour, from Liverpool Crown Court, once said that it is remarkable when people are communicating on Facebook that they say things that they wouldn't say face to face, but that is your fact of the day. Now let's get on with it. But that fact is true. Lots of people use violence as a tool to unleash their anger but others use it to hurt others in a forceful manner.

Violence is not guidance to the answer.
It isn't allowance to hurt people.
Violence is a difference.
Violence is an ambulance.
It is a circumference.
Violence is a nuisance.
Violence is a non existence.
Violence is a sentence which can hurt you.

My mum once told me that violence isn't the way around life or isn't the answer. Violence is not ok!

Violence is an accident about to happen.
Violence is not amusement, it is discouragement.
It is a element.
It is embarrassment.
Violence is a harassment.
Violence is a misplacement.
It is a punishment.
It is a tournament.
It is unemployment.
It is an urgent ambulance.

Pope Francis quoted, “Even today we raise our hand against our brother.... We have perfected our weapons, our conscience has fallen asleep and we have sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves as if it were normal we continue to sow destruction, pain and death. Violence and war lead only to death. Mahatma Gandhi once said "I object to violence because when it appears  to do good the good is only temporary the evil it does is permanent. Another person said "A person is born with feelings of envy and hate. If he gives way to them, they will lead him to violence, crime and any sense of loyalty and good faith will be abandoned". All of these people believe that violence isn't the way around life. It isn't ok and isn't the answer.

Violence is a never ending rollercoaster. Violence is like a exercise. Violence is a big scary bear. Violence is a rapid torrent. Violence is a stab in the back. Violence is not victory. It is a vocabulary.

Domestic, physical, sexual and social are all types of violence. There are real people suffering while we are ignoring it but you can never judge a man by his testimony. Domestic Violence is real and it's out there.......

" One individual can begin a movement that turns the tide of history. Martin Luther King in civil rights movement, Mahatma Gandhi in India, Nelson Mandela in South Africa are examples of people standing up with courage and non violence to bring about needed changes", these people have all been involved in something special to help those who need help. To help them not feel weak, sad and help them not suffer.

Nigel Gilmour, Mahatma Gandhi and lots of other people believe in the same things that I do, that violence is not ok!. So stand up for what is right. Stand up for of those people that are getting bullied by violence. Do the right thing and stand up against violence.

Violence is not OK!

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